Gavin Ashenden

Calvin Robinson and the war of words
Calvin Robinson and the war of words

It may be that, free from the burden of clerical persona and accountability, Calvin Robinson can find true freedom and maximum impact simply as a baptised Christian taking the culture and ideological fight to the enemy.

Justin Welby: a professional obituary
Justin Welby: a professional obituary

Welby failed the parishes by demoralising them, he failed the Anglican Communion by being unable to restrain his progressive partisanship, he failed the organisation by 'doing management' badly, and he failed the country by offering it socialism instead of Christianity.

After Welby's resignation, what happens now?
After Welby's resignation, what happens now?

Over the last decade the Church has moved from defining itself historically and theologically to culturally and politically. The choice then will not be between high and low church, but woke and much more woke.

Sex abuse, scandal and an incompetent Archbishop
Sex abuse, scandal and an incompetent Archbishop

The groundswell of moral outrage at the failure of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby to deal with a distressing sex scandal is growing daily following the publication of the Makin Report last week.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's new position on sex and marriage: a 'journey' or a departure?
The Archbishop of Canterbury's new position on sex and marriage: a 'journey' or a departure?

It may well be religion, and fervent religion at that. But you can't claim it is Christianity.

Islam, sectarianism and the General Election
Islam, sectarianism and the General Election

There was always going to be a moment when Islam broke the surface of the political pond and emerged in its own right.

Pride and Catholic schools
Pride and Catholic schools

It is not the business of the state or of left-leaning unions to overturn Catholic ethics, virtue and vision to enforce their own decadence.

Instead of National Service, how about just service?
Instead of National Service, how about just service?

National Conscription? Teaching children how to march, use guns and bayonets? Perhaps not. Learning valuable life skills and helping to ease the pain and the strain of the most vulnerable? Why not?

The Church of England's school guidance has a troubling Stonewall connection
The Church of England's school guidance has a troubling Stonewall connection

If, as the Gospels insist, we stand in the middle of a battle between good and evil and are invited in our recognition of Jesus as saviour to pick sides, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that in this matter, the C of E has changed sides.

Conversion is needed now more than ever
Conversion is needed now more than ever

If you want a community characterised by good neighbours, love of the stranger, the honouring of the rule of law, protection of conscience, the treasuring of the individual, and in this case particularly, the practice of forgiveness and reconciliation, it can be found through conversion to Christ.

Critical race theory should not be taught in schools
Critical race theory should not be taught in schools

It is time that the Church, and especially its bishops, clergy and educators, repudiated and rejected critical race theory.

Hollywood, exorcisms and evil
Hollywood, exorcisms and evil

Hollywood's relationship with evil is a complex one.

The cancelling of Fr Pullicino should mark the beginning of the fightback
The cancelling of Fr Pullicino should mark the beginning of the fightback

Christians are at last beginning to stir from their post-linguistically-mugged lethargy, and fighting back.

An Easter special that breaks through the cancellation of Christianity in the public media
An Easter special that breaks through the cancellation of Christianity in the public media

In a small but evocatively beautiful church in Tottenham, London, an Easter celebration hosted by Calvin Robinson that GB News is streaming on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, brought together four gifted, competent and attractive exponents of the Christian faith.

The case for leaving the Church of England
The case for leaving the Church of England

The shock of a Church deciding to bless sin has caused many evangelical Anglicans to re-think whether they can stay. Can they honourably serve God in an institution that some think has come close to the sin against the Holy Spirit?

The Church of England's moral drift will not stop here
The Church of England's moral drift will not stop here

Now the battle for gay blessings has been won, it will move on to gay marriage within a fairly short period.