Martin Saunders

Church signs and wonders: a spotter's guide to a great American tradition
Church signs are a familiar landmark in towns right across the country, and while for the most part they're just intended to display the service times and pastor's name, a maverick contingent of witty church staff often subvert them to impressive effect.

How to talk to children about colour
Obama's tweet struck such a chord because it helps to illuminate a question that is being asked across America and around the globe right now: how is racism formed?

The Dark Tower review: a Christian actor incarnates the devil
The Dark Tower certainly isn't as terrible as some are suggesting, and as an action-packed sci-fi / fantasy / western / quest movie, I found it entertaining throughout; a bit like a more grown-up version of cults 80s kids movie The Never-ending Story.

The best Christian movie you've never seen: Meet The Pretender
Thank the Good Lord for Amazon Prime. Without it, we'd have no access to the swathes of terrible, obscure and until-recently-deleted-from-sale movies and TV shows that have found a new home in its back catalogue.

Why every church should build a kids' holiday club into its mission plan
Parents, standing at the back of the building at the end of the day with a look of quiet incredulity, are perhaps having their preconceptions about Christians radically challenged.

Why would God 'allow' a tree to kill 13 of his worshippers?
To some, horrible accidents like the one which took place on the island of Madeira this week offer a kind of emotive proof that a loving God surely cannot exist. But does that argument really stand up?
Worried about nuclear war? Here's what you should do
I grew up in the 1980s, when the Cold War between the USA and Russia was still in full swing.

How do you beat Christian Festival High Syndrome?
Every year, usually by the time the new school term had begun, those feelings of surety and passion had all but dissipated. This was Christian Festival High Syndrome â and I was a recurring sufferer.

Dunkirk review: a magnificent light in our darkest hour
The extraordinary redemption story of Dunkirk is all due to humble, ordinary people who decided to play their part. These men â and boys â left behind because they were deemed the wrong age to fight, were absolutely average. All that set them apart was their willingness to see light defeat darkness.

Lean in to your shadow side: ten new Christian phrases you need to know
Every subculture has its own special vocabulary. No-one however, quite does this to the degree of awesomeness demonstrated by the evangelical wing of the Christian church, which not only has its own set of extraordinary jargon, but regularly adds to it.

Woman becomes Christian during screening of The Shack
A British evangelist has told of how he led a woman to faith during a recent screening of Christian-themed movie The Shack.

Why are we outraged by BBC salaries?
We all knew the figures would be high, and yet somehow their release still staggered us.

Chris Pratt's remarkable conversion story... and more of his quotes on faith
His meteoric rise from total unknown, to small-time TV actor, to big league A-lister is a modern rebuke to the idea that nice guys finish last.

Which part is which in the 'body' of Christ?
Do you ever wonder what Paul was getting at with that whole 'body of Christ' metaphor for the Church?

How to survive a Christian festival
Like a wheel within a wheel, Christian festivals are an idiosyncratic niche of an often already baffling subculture.

President Dwayne Johnson? Could Christians put their faith in The Rock?
Is it truly possible the US might elect President Johnson? America has been led by a former actor before, and at least this one has a fair amount of self-control on social media.