Martin Saunders

\'Life\' might just be the most anti-Christian movie you\'ll see this year
'Life' might just be the most anti-Christian movie you'll see this year

When a filmmaker calls a monster Calvin, they know exactly what they're doing.

Britain is getting out of the EU – here's what Christians must do now

The church is a declining body of power and influence in British life. We often see that as a bad thing, but I'm not sure that's always the case. Being increasingly on the outside of public life, we have an opportunity to be prophetic to the centre, to speak truth to power.

In His Grip: A guide to Christian email sign-offs
In His Grip: A guide to Christian email sign-offs

When we're concluding an email, we God-botherers like to insert a final flourish of encouragement, blessing, or just good-old-fashioned Christian weirdness.

How do you actually share your faith with a friend?
How do you actually share your faith with a friend?

We make evangelism scary in our heads. In a post-Christian culture, we worry we're going to come across as weirdos if we try to share our faith with our friends.

Crowd-pleasing Kong: Skull Island has an important Christian theme
Crowd-pleasing Kong: Skull Island has an important Christian theme

Kong: Skull Island is exactly what you want it to be. From viewing the thrilling trailer, you might hope for a ludicrously silly, action-packed romp with massive monsters, great special effects and some suitably-arch acting performances.

How (Not) To Write A Christian Leader Bio
How (Not) To Write A Christian Leader Bio

Should Christian leaders parade their various credentials in an effort to explain why they're fit to lead? Or should they just hope their unspoken qualities shine through?

Tracey Ullman\'s \'As A Christian...\' Sketches: What\'s She Getting At?
Tracey Ullman's 'As A Christian...' Sketches: What's She Getting At?

If you were to make a list of modern Defenders of the Faith, Comedian Tracey Ullman probably wouldn't be at the top of it.

Beauty And The Beast Has A Gay Character - What\'s The Christian Response?
Beauty And The Beast Has A Gay Character - What's The Christian Response?

We don't have to subscribe to so-called 'pro-gay theology' in order to have a more generous and kind engagement with the film. Perhaps this time we just don't have to pointlessly stand against a film we haven't even seen yet.

Advancing Years, Declining Powers: Does Dark, Violent  \'Logan\' Have A Message For The Church?
Advancing Years, Declining Powers: Does Dark, Violent 'Logan' Have A Message For The Church?

Logan, James Mangold's distinct new chapter in the long-running X-Men franchise, is hardly suitable entertainment for a pastor's retreat or a church weekend away. But if you can look past the blood and bad language, it's arguably one of the most thematically-interesting films around

Films About Faith: Christian Today\'s Alternative Oscars 2017
Films About Faith: Christian Today's Alternative Oscars 2017

Move over Academy Awards – here are the second annual Christian Today Alternative Oscars.

\'LEGO Batman Promotes Gay Adoption\': When Christian Blogging Does More Harm Than Good
'LEGO Batman Promotes Gay Adoption': When Christian Blogging Does More Harm Than Good

Some opinions are so nonsensical, the least helpful thing one can do is draw attention to them.

Will A Christian Film Win Best Picture? Christian Today\'s Oscar Predictions
Will A Christian Film Win Best Picture? Christian Today's Oscar Predictions

Ah, the Oscars. The highlight of the film fan's calendar; the night when careers are made and cinematic history is written.

There\'s A Single Christian Theme Running Through Modern Cinema. Is God Speaking Through Hollywood?
There's A Single Christian Theme Running Through Modern Cinema. Is God Speaking Through Hollywood?

n the end, it was The Lego Batman Movie which finally convinced me that something weird was going on.

The Great Wall Review: A Boundary-Shifting Movie That Might Get Donald Trump Worried
The Great Wall Review: A Boundary-Shifting Movie That Might Get Donald Trump Worried

It would perhaps be a bit lazy of me to suggest that a blockbuster movie about a giant wall constructed to keep out aliens couldn't be more timely.

Why It\'s Time To Stop Saying \'You Can\'t Out-Give God\'
Why It's Time To Stop Saying 'You Can't Out-Give God'

It's time to be honest: sometimes God doesn't come to the financial rescue.

If I Tell You I\'m Praying For You, Might I Be Lying?
If I Tell You I'm Praying For You, Might I Be Lying?

I've developed a habit of making that encouraging promise. #Praying. But most of the times I tell people I'll be praying for them, I never actually get around to it.