Current page: Reporter / Roxanne Kumalo
Roxanne Kumalo
Almighty God: Our security and our stay
We can so easily feel tossed around and despondent when life doesn't go our way but it is the certainty of God and his sovereignty over our lives that can keep us steadfast and in a place of hope and peace
Engagement is not utopia
My experience of engagement has been a joyful yet sobering one because God in His mercy continually brings me to a place where I see my desperate need to die to myself, repent concerning the idols I have put in place of God to satisfy and complete me, and have my eyes fixed on the author of life Jesus Christ.
Godly engagement and keeping our heart right before marriage
From making marriage into an idol, to the prospect of physical intimacy and dizzying wedding costs, there are all kinds of pitfalls - and joys - in being a believer and engaged
The beauty of the hymn is the beauty of Christ-centred worship
I may be young but I love the richness of the hymns of old as much as the upbeat Christian music of today
S.O. Live in Nottingham review
S.O. is brilliant at what he does - proclaiming the glory of God through hip hop
What is biblical courtship?
How do we, as followers of Jesus Christ, engage in courtship in a biblical way, a way in which honours and glorifies God, leaving both parties obedient to the Word?
Album review - Heads Up by Jahaziel
True lovers of Jahaziel's previous projects will have a great appreciation for this album
Beautiful Eulogy offer soul-stirring lyrical theology
This is, in my books, the most uplifting gospel centred album of 2013
For the Christian who struggles with depression, preach to your heart
Depression is not a rarity but rampant in the body of Christ
Triple O review – Telescopes & White Roses
MOBO 2011 award winner Triple O, who is known for his dynamic rhymes addressing his life as a young Christian, has recently blessed the population with his latest project entitled Telescopes & White Roses.
Rapper deals with Christians who fall away from the faith
S.O., the London raised Christian rapper, has been taking the UK gospel music scene by storm
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