Current page: Reporter / Tracey Harris
Tracey Harris
From fear to faith ... Making the leap
Unhealthy fear can be crippling but God makes it clear that we don't have to live that way
Establishing godly boundaries: early communication is vital
Whether it's the friend who doesn't know when it's time to go home, or a partner who doesn't share your moral standards, communicating with them early in the relationship and with honesty will be much easier than waiting
The importance of praise
Praise is one of the most powerful weapons a believer has in silencing the enemy and withstanding circumstances that would otherwise make us crumble
The problem of unforgiveness
Someone once described unforgiveness as a poison you drink, hoping the other person will die.
Taking control of our thoughts and words - making the mind-mouth connection
Have you let God's Word take root in your heart today?
God's love. Why do we struggle to receive it?
Could it just be that there is an unseen epidemic, insidious, hidden, lurking ready to raise its ugly head with every disappointment or setback?
Most Read
The Archbishop of Canterbury's new position on sex and marriage: a 'journey' or a departure?
What now after those Welby comments?
What is Halloween and how do Christians respond to it?
Is Gen Z turning back towards traditional Christian morals and faith?
Calls for Archbishop of Canterbury to resign over gay sex comments
Justin Welby's position on gay sex is not only theologically indefensible, it's logically irreconcilable