Big Brother Season 15 spoilers: Power of Veto plan collapses, cast eliminations draw closer

Big Brother 15 had an exciting night in the house on Wednesday, with Jessie desperate to avoid elimination by winning the Power of Veto. For the latest updates and spoilers please continue reading below.

Wednesday's episode saw Spencer fighting it out against Jessie to see who would win the Power of Veto, and this is likely a do-or-die time for Jessie, because if she would be unable to win that, in all likelihood she would be facing the exit door.

Following nominations, Amanda was seen in the Diary Room talking about Andy doing whatever she wants because Jessie stirs up trouble for Amanda in her house.

Helen also was unhappy that Andy didn't put up McCrae/Amanda – she is still oblivious that Andy is not as loyal to her as McCranda.

Amanda, Aaryn, Andy and McCrae also confirmed their predicted final four alliance.

In the Power of Veto competition Andy, Jessie and Spencer, Helen, Elissa and Amanda are chosen to play for POV. Before the competition got started, Amanda had dipped her toes in the water to see if the Veto could be thrown to Helen. However, Spencer is not on board – simply because his own life is on the line in the house.

At the Power of Veto ceremony, Amanda seemed to be acting like Spencer might be the one going home, because he refused to go along with the POV plan she concocted.

Amanda has had her eyes on Jessie, so it would be unlikely that she would target Spencer at this point. Most also believe that Andy does not have the guts to backdoor Amanda. However, as predicted, Andy leaves his nominations alone and the show has a pretty boring week, game-wise.

This week will be crucial to see who is Head of Household to see which way the balance of power in the house shifts. The coming week should be a lot more fun as things continue to hot up towards Big Brother 15's conclusion.

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