Starz's time travel fantasy series Outlander will sport two more seasons for release after the success of its second installment. According to an article by Cinema Blend, the series is renewed also for season 4. The series is currently shooting its third installment which will possibly be released on 2017.
The show could follow the storyline presented in "Voyager," Diana Gabaldon's third book in her Outlander series. After the 20-year time jump, Claire Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie (Sam Heughan) will find themselves at odds and in strains to fall in love with each other all over again. In an interview by Variety with Balfe, she said that the biggest wrinkle the two would face is the difference of personality to the person they previously loved.
"I think both of them have probably held each other up on a pedestal for 20 years, so in many ways, they're going to have to destroy that image first before they can fall in love with the person right in front of them, and that's going to be really interesting. I love the complexity of that, because you can't be in love with a ghost, and Claire is in many ways in love with Jamie's ghost, as Jamie is in love with her ghost, and that's not the people they are when they see each other again," she said.
Along with this complication is the introduction of Lord John Grey and his relationship with Jaime. Lord John Grey conceals a secret affection for Jaime and was set out to do everything to keep Jaime safe. He decided to marry Isobel and became a stepfather to William, Jamie's illegitimate child. To reward his affection, Jaime kissed Grey. It was yet to know if the show will follow this scene but they agreed that it is about time for Lord Grey to show his true feelings. They are reportedly searching for the actor who could best portray Lord Grey.
Outlander season 3 is expected to be released on early 2017.