'Young and The Restless' spoilers: Sharon's bail denied, Chelsea witnesses something, Avery and Dylan talk about Joe

In the last two days of "The Young and The Restless" this week, Avery will have to make a decision regarding Joe's accident and Chelsea will have a complex storyline too. Here are the spoilers for April 16 and 17:

Adam and Chelsea

Adam and Chelsea shippers must be very happy to see the two finally acting on their undeniable chemistry with one another. But by the end of the week, Adam and Chelsea will take things further as they act on their sexual tension, reports TV Guide.

Elsewhere, Chelsea will be in a difficult situation as she witnesses an intimate moment between two people. As for Victoria and Billy, they take a trip down memory lane and do some reminiscing.

Avery, Dylan and Joe

Earlier in the week, Joe suffered from a very tragic accident through falling off the balcony. Now, Avery doesn't know what to do and she will talk to Dylan about it, who will suggest another way of dealing with the incident.

Sharon's Case

Sharon will get some assistance from Dylan and Michael, reports We Love Soaps. However, even if Sharon gets the help she needs, it appears that the court isn't on her side. The attorney from the other side is asking the judge to deny bail for Sharon and she looks shocked after hearing it.

Other Spoilers:

Sage will serve Adam the divorce papers and Summer will ask Abby about her relationship with Stitch. Further, Cain will give Lauren advice.

In the preview for the next episode, here are the most memorable lines to watch out for:

"The best thing I can do is stay away from that case as long as possible," Avery tells Dylan.

"Or stay by Joe's bedside," he replied.

Don't miss the remaining episodes of the week in "The Young and The Restless" every weekday, 12:30 p.m. on CBS.

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