10 questions to ask yourself if you think you're at risk of becoming a cultural Christian

Some of us will have experienced times when we're essentially just going through the motions when it comes to our faith. It's understandable that we go through low points, periods of doubt or sometimes temporarily drift away from God.

But how can we stop these occasional dry spells from leading to a permanent drought? Sometimes people think becoming and remaining a Christian is the easy option. But that's far from true. I think we'd all agree that to be sent out "like lambs among wolves," (Luke 10:3) sounds far from easy.

In a world with so many distractions it can be hard to turn away from the things that we want and turn to the one that we need.

The parable of the sower provides us with a great insight into how our faith should manifest if we believe that we are truly saved.

It's also useful in helping us to understand what it means to be a biblical Christian (Luke 8:15) as opposed to a cultural Christian: "The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature," (Luke 8:14).

Below are some questions to get you thinking about whether you're a biblical Christian or a cultural one.

1. Do you only go to church for the worship because you get to sing along to your favourite songs?

2. Do you take notes during the service but never read your Bible outside of church?

3. Is the opportunity to see most of your friends in one place the main reason that you look forward to going to church?

4. Have you identified certain negative aspects of your lifestyle that you need to prune, and have the power to, but you're intentionally avoiding doing so?

5. Do you pick which bits of God's character suit your lifestyle, trying to make him in your image?

6. Do you pick which parts of the Bible fit with your lifestyle, instead of adapting your lifestyle to align with biblical teaching?

7. Do you tell people that you're a Christian because your parents are?

8. On Sundays are you more likely to be found sleeping in, shopping or out at brunch than in church? (That is, unless it's Christmas because who can resist a carol service?)

9. Is the only time you pray when you need something...to pass that exam, to get that new job, to have your football team win?

10. Do you believe that there is no need for you to tell anyone about Jesus?