2016 U.S. elections update: Donald Trump sweeps SC primary; Hillary Clinton wins Nevada

U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says Pope Francis doesn't understand 'the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico.'Reuters

Billionaire Donald Trump claimed victory on this weekend's South Carolina primary, and it appears he is established as the man that other Republican candidates need to beat.

He has proven that he has a solid support (32.5 percent) among those in the Deep South. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz tied in second place with 22.5 and 22.3 percent, respectively. Meanwhile Jeb Bush announced that he has dropped his presidential campaign.

Trump included in his SC campaign attacks on former president George W. Bush regarding the Iraq war as well as his minor feud with Pope Francis concerning immigration issues. This campaign, apparently, appealed to the new Republican voters who are not satisfied with the government and want that big change to happen.

With his SC primary victory, Trump has become GOP's national leading candidate and is more likely to earn the party's nomination. The SC primary also highlighted the end of the Bush political dynasty. Other candidates, who didn't do well in the SC primary, are looking forward to future caucuses and primaries. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, although far behind, expressed that he didn't plan to withdraw his campaign.

Meanwhile, over to the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton continues the head-to-head competition against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. After her defeat in the New Hampshire primary earlier this month, the former Secretary of State once again claimed victory during the Nevada Democratic caucuses, with 52.6 percent against 47.3 percent.

She is also predicted to win the Democratic South Carolina primary next week, since she is a favorite in the area, CNN reported. Her Nevada victory and the fact that she is a favorite in SC won't signal the end of Sanders. However, Clinton fighting back against the issues surrounding her campaign is believed to be the Democratic candidate to compete against GOP's Trump.