3 common misconceptions about what being a Christian is about


Many people have wrong ideas about what being a Christian is about, Christians included.

Because of this, many people have the wrong expectations and see Christianity as just one religion in a world that's full of other religions.

That's where they get it wrong.

In this article we'll take a look at some of the most common misconceptions about what being a Christian is about so that they can instead see the real deal when it comes to being a follower of the Man named Jesus Christ.

1) That Christianity is just another religion like other religions

Some believe that Christianity is just another religion, and Christians are just believers of whatever Christianity teaches. This is so wrong.

Christianity might be listed as a religion, but the truth is, its Founder did not start a religion. He started a way to live, the only way that's pleasing to God.

Christ Jesus, the Head of Christianity, showed all men that God is true and that He loves all men. He showed us how to live a life freed from sin, religious rules, and the devil's lies.

He died to meet God's righteous requirements, so that our sins would be paid for, so that we could be forgiven and accepted by God.

In essence, He did not start a religion named "Christianity." He paved the way for all men to have a relationship with God the Father. That's what all Christians have in Christ. That's what Christianity is.

2) That Christians should always be good, kind, and tolerating

Many people don't believe in God, and ridicule those who follow Christ for believing in "made-up stories," but when they treat Christians wrong they expect these Christians to respond to them like Christ would: with love.

Ironic, isn't it?

Friends, we Christians are imperfect people with all sorts of flaws and shortcomings. The difference is, we have trusted in Christ for salvation and are counting on God's Holy Spirit to sanctify and mold us from glory to glory.

What many non-Christians fail to realize is that God Himself is not tolerant of sin, though He is loving, gracious, merciful, and kind. They expect Him to treat them the way they want to be treated, but they don't treat Him the way they should.

As Christians, we are the people who represent Christ and show His character to all. We ought to be relentless against sin, committed to holiness, consumed by God's righteousness, and dedicated to loving Him and our neighbor.

3) That Christianity is but a set of rules

Many people have this wrong idea that Christianity is but a set of rules that Christians follow without question.

First of all, Christianity is not a set of rules. Christ is the end of the law to all who believe in Him.

Second, Christians do not "follow without question." Our faith is not blind, neither is it irrational or nonsensical. We follow God because we know how important it is to follow Him -- He is our Lord.

Third, Christians are free. In fact, so free that in Christ, sin no longer has any hold on us.

Christianity is not a set of rules. It's a freedom that Christ purchased for all with His blood. However, not all can enjoy this freedom; one has to believe in Him and surrender to His Lordship before this freedom can be received.

That Christians should always be good, kind, and tolerating