3 fun ways Christian couples can develop teamwork


"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The Bible emphasizes the importance of teamwork among people, particularly married Christian couples. God designed marriage to be the kind of partnership that will fulfill His will on earth. Husbands and wives, however, need to work on developing teamwork.

Teamwork is done when two parties work together in unison. It's a given that no two people, husbands and wives in particular, are the same - the two have different gifts, different personalities, different skills, and different preferences. Because of this, many couples find it hard to work as one.

What we forget, however, is that we only have one Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ. We only have one God, our Father in heaven. And we only have one Spirit living inside of us, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit of God.

Because of this, we can strive to work in developing teamwork in our marriages. I know it's a challenge, but we can make it work. After all,

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

Working for teamwork

To help all couples out there to develop precious teamwork, here are some fun and enjoyable things to do.

1) Look for fun everyday things you can do together

Couples can develop their teamwork using even the smallest and simplest of things.

You can try preparing dinner, cleaning the house, doing the groceries, even doing exercise together. The key word is "together," which means you do it with each other.

Like cooking, for example. If the wife is a great cook at home, the husband can help by preparing the table, washing the dishes, calling the kids, etc. This can also be done vice-versa if the husband does the cooking.

Whatever it is, find a way to do things like household chores together. Husbands can carry the shopping basket while the wife peruses the shelves. Husbands can carry the laundry while the wife does the hanging. Find things to do together and try to enjoy them for the sake of your spouse, even when it's things you wouldn't ordinarly enjoy.

My wife and I apply this principle every time we can, and it works wonders for us. I believe it will work for your marriage as well.

2) Working together

Another way to develop teamwork is by choosing to work together. Men usually do the heavy work while women are given the more delicate tasks. While that's good, these tasks aren't normally related to each other. How about taking on tasks that will require both of you to work as a team?

This will probably involve at least one person in the relationship having to step outside their comfort zone or beyond their natural talents, but that's what will make it all the more meaningful and fun as you work together to solve problems and fill in for the other's shortcomings.

3) Serving God together

Last and most important way to build teamwork? By serving God together. Many make the mistake of separating the husbands and the wives when it comes to serving in the church. Men are usually taking on the heavier tasks while the women are behind the scenes. This shouldn't be.

Priscilla and Aquila, a couple we read in the book of Acts, served God together. They belonged to the same trade, and they served God together. In fact, every time the name of Aquila is mentioned, Priscilla is mentioned as well. They're that united.

Married couples will do well to look for opportunities to serve. Whether it will be inside the church or outside it, you can choose to serve God together.