3 things only a Christian wife can do for her husband

There are some things only a Christian wife can do for her husband.Pixabay

God, in His great wisdom, created man and woman to partner together in fulfilling His plans. His original design for man and woman was and is so precise and so well-thought-out that when a man and a woman, in marriage, fulfill their roles as God had intended, they will be able to do so much more than they could ever imagine.

Sadly, so many couples today don't believe in this anymore. They think that having a spouse is a burden, and that having someone to take care of and be accountable to is a weight to carry. This is so wrong!

God's original plan for a man and his wife is that they would take good care of each other. So what is God's design for a wife and what are the things that only a God-fearing wife can do for her husband?

Only Christian wives can do this

My sisters in Christ, I encourage you to fulfill your role in the marriage relationship God has entrusted to you and your husband. I hope to help you by telling you some things that only Christian wives can do for their husbands.

1) Help protect your husband from the dangers of adultery as only you can

Some women won't like to hear this, but you have a very precious role in keeping your husband away from the sin of adultery. While husbands will be the one to decide if they will be faithful to their wives (and I pray we would all be), wives can help them make the right decision.

Sisters, did you know that your love "satisfies" your husband in ways that no other woman can? Proverbs 5:18-20 tells all men,

"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love. For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress?"

Wives, take advantage of your relationship with your husband. Drown him in your love.

2) Treat your husband so well, he is encouraged to follow Christ better

A wife's character and wonderful treatment of her husband is sure to motivate him to seek Christ. Seriously. My wife treats me so well I just can't stop thanking God for her!

1 Peter 3:1-2 tells all wives,

"Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear."

3) Give your husband both the best buddy he longs for and the queen he will love, cherish, and protect

All men look for a buddy they can be open and honest with. At the same time, they all long to have someone to protect, love, and cherish. These two can be just one person: his wife. That's how God designed it.

Just think of how God created marriage: between just one man and woman (see Genesis 2:21-24). They are open and honest with each other with no need to be ashamed (see Genesis 2:25). And they are given just one goal – to obey the Lord (see Genesis 1:26-30).

In closing

Ladies, you have a very important role in your respective husband's life. Fulfill the role that God gave you, and see just how your husband grows.