3 ways Christian couples can prepare for a better year ahead


The thought that 2018 is coming in just a few days' time should excite all married couples out there. After all, a new year means a new chapter in our marriages, and we should look forward to what God is preparing for each and every one of us.

Since the new and upcoming year presents a chapter to us, we should at least prepare to make it a good, even God-pleasing, one. No matter how good or bad 2017 was to us, we should realize that if we love God, all things that happen to us will be for our good. Romans 8:28 tells us,

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

That said, I would like to offer a few suggestions on how married couples can prepare for a better year.

Fellow husbands, do you want to be a Christ-like partner to your wife, and love her like Christ did? Wives, do you want to be a Christ-like partner to your husband, submitting to him and helping him live out God's call upon His life?

If you said yes to that, here are a few things that you can do.

1) Evaluate yourselves

Married couples should take the time to evaluate themselves. Talk to one another and ask the hard questions:

  • Have we loved one another as Christ loved us?
  • Have we done what God wanted us to do, according to His word?
  • Have we fulfilled our vows to God and each other this year?

You can add as many questions as are applicable to you. This might be a hard thing to do, but doing so allows for healing and seeing the areas where couples can do better. Keep in mind that if we all want a better year, then we've got to be better spouses to each other.

2) Fast and pray

Next, married Christian couples should realize that in order for anything to get better, God has to be in the scenario, with Him always at the helm. How do we do this? Through denying ourselves and letting Him take the lead (see Matthew 16:24).

Married couples will do well to fast and pray together. Fasting allows the Holy Spirit to take precedence while our flesh is humbled.

If you have the gift of tongues, use it. Jude 20 tells us that we build ourselves up when we pray in the Spirit, and so let's do it.

3) Sit down and make plans prayerfully

Lastly, after seeking God in prayer and fasting, what follows is the logical act of making plans. This is very, very important because we can't expect 2018 to be a good year if we don't make it a good year for us. We should plan what we will do in it.

Married couples should sit down and make plans for the coming year. Include everything: plans for family, career, ministry, and the like. Don't be afraid to share ideas and opinions with one another so you can have a good exchange of thoughts.

Keep in mind that your plans should lead you to achieving your goals for the following year.