4 simple ways to recharge your spiritual life


Life is busy. It just is. Unless you happen to live in a beach hut on the coast of Cornwall (in which case, I'm packing my bags and coming for a visit), then it's really difficult not to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. Whether it's in a thriving city or a small town where you know everyone's name, we so easily fall into the trap of letting our spiritual life fall by the wayside while giving priority to the million things that are clamouring for our attention.

So how do we break that pattern and make sure we're nurturing our relationship with God? 

Go on retreat

This doesn't have to mean spending ten days in silence in a monastery (although that could be brilliant), but it may be as simple as a night away where you're able to spend some time reflecting on where you're at with God. It's amazing what a bit of space to just stop and breathe can do.

If you can't get away, why not offer to house sit for a local friend while they're away for a couple of days, or drive to your nearest beach for a few hours? Anything that gets you out of your normal space can be helpful.

Book out a night a week to spend with God

I tried this for a while, and found it revolutionary. Just as you book out certain nights to spend with family or friends – try blocking out an evening to spend with God. Turn your phone off and avoid distractions as best you can (don't just watch four episodes of The Good Wife back to back...) Read your Bible, and journal if you find that helpful. Quality time in solitude with God is vital, and all to easy to miss if we don't make it a priority.

Make good habits

If you're struggling to make space for reflection, try incorporating it into your daily routine. Make it a habit to pray on your commute to work – it might help to write a list of people or things you want to pray for, and work through it. Or make time for a 30 minute walk every day, before or after work or on your lunch break. Fresh air is a brilliant revitaliser, and use the time to talk to God about what's going on and to listen to him.

Prioritise rest

Learning to say no to things can be tough. We're all guilty of getting FOMO and exhausting ourselves by agreeing to every demand. But if we don't prioritise rest, we'll simply burn out. We can't do everything all the time. If you think you might have taken on too much, write down everything you're committed to, and work out your priorities. Obviously we don't want to let anyone down, but it might mean having some hard conversations about stepping back from certain things in order to give yourself some space to recharge. You might even be giving someone else the opportunity to step up and take on responsibility, and it's always a lesson in humility to see things flourish without you!