5 Ways Disappointment Can Actually Be Good for Us


Have you ever been disappointed in your life? I know, there's probably no point in asking because we've all experienced disappointment many times. We know what it's like to be disappointed in the areas of work, relationship, ministry, finances and so on. We don't like being disappointed, but no matter how undesired it is, disappointment is actually beneficial and even necessary.

Disappointment begins with expectations and happens when these expectations are not met. But if we had to be truly honest to ourselves, not all of our expectations are good and not all of them bring us closer to God and His plan for us. Disappointment can be a great way to manage our expectations and perceptions and to align them with God's expectations for us.

Here are five ways that disappointment can actually be good for us when seen it in the right light.

1. It Teaches Us to Trust God More

Romans 8:28 tells us, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

But do we truly trust and believe that God makes things work for our good? The only way to be sure that we do is to allow disappointments to come to us.

2. It Moulds Our Character

James 1:2-3 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."

Disappointments are a great and effective way to filter our character and remove the wrong intentions and attitudes in us if we allow God to move through our trials.

3. It Reveals Our Values

When we get disappointed for failing to close a business deal, is it because we really wanted to serve people or because we were only thinking about the financial gains that we could have made? Disappointment puts into the spotlight our hearts so that we can truly see what matters most to us and make adjustments when necessary.

4.It Makes Us Wiser

Like the Kelly Clarkson song that goes, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," disappointments build up our experience by teaching us what we shouldn't do anymore. Bad experiences are just as good if not even better than good experiences, and God uses even those instances to make us grow in wisdom.

5. It Makes Us More Persevering

With character and patience comes perseverance. We learn how to persist best when faced with trying situations when expectations are not met. The key is to respond by not lowering our standards but by persisting and believing that through God's power, we will see His promises come to pass.