7 Truths for Strength When We Are Disappointed


Setbacks or failures are normal parts of our lives, and so is feeling disappointed with these outcomes. No one expects you to feel good about losing or failing, not even God. But at the same time, no one has to remain in disappointment forever.

While disappointments may come, we can act and walk in strength as we stride through the murky waters of failure. We don't have to mope and complain in times of disappointment, but instead hold on to truths that bring us assurance when times of disappointment come.

Here are seven truths that we can hold on to for strength and encouragement when we are faced with disappointment.

1. God Is Proud of You

The many times we experience disappointment, we are often first and foremost disappointed with ourselves. We might feel like we don't add up or that we're not enough, but we can be assured in knowing that God is proud of us even when we fail. God does not only look at the outcome but the heart we have when we face hardships.

2. God Believes in You

God is not only proud of what you have done in the past. He also believes in what you can accomplish in the future. You may have failed this time around, but God knows that you can go through the same trial once again and overcome it this time around.

3. This, Too, Shall Pass

Just like anything and everything in this world, disappointment is temporary and doesn't have to last forever. Feelings of disappointment will go away at some point, and we will gain courage once more.

4. God Has a Beautiful Plan

God's plan for us does not depend too heavily on our failures. God does not throw in the towel because we messed up too much, but instead becomes our perfection in times when we are weak (2 Corinthians 12:9)

5. It's Okay io Grieve Your Disappointment

There is nothing necessarily wrong with being disappointed as long as it doesn't lead to disbelief. God would rather have you voicing your concerns than hiding it and grumbling to yourself. Whatever your hurts are, lift them up to God.

6. Be Still and God Will Still Be Moving

God says in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" God invites us to rest and be still in His presence and in the process watch Him be exalted to the highest degree during moments when we are at our lowest.

7. There's Good That Comes From Every Bad

God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28)—even the bad things that happen. We may not know how God will do it but He's in the process of turning our mess into a beautiful message.