African Anglican Bishops’ Joint Statement Responds to Windsor Report

Three hundred bishops have gathered for the first ever African Anglican Bishops’ Conference over recent days in Lagos, Nigeria. In light of the heated debate over homosexuality in the Anglican Church, discussions on future ties with the rest of the impaired Anglican Communion has been very much one of the most vital points raised. The bishops have also gathered to discuss how they can help their governments to lift the continent out of the despair of poverty, diseases and conflicts.

Uniting the 70-million Nigerians who are members of the Anglican Communion, the bishops involved in the conference made a clear standpoint against homosexuality to represent African Anglicans to the world. This is the long awaited response from the African bishops to the controversial Windsor Report published in London 10 days ago. The Windsor Report was widely criticised for not discussing the detailed issues of homosexuality from the conservative stance.

The Nigerian President of the Bishops’ Conference, Olusegun Obasanjo, praised the African bishops for their principled stand against the totally unacceptable tendency towards same-sex marriages and homosexual practices. Obasanjo openly denounced that homosexuality is clearly “un-Biblical, unnatural and definitely un-African”.

Chairman of the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Peter Akinola, also described homosexuality as an “abomination” which contradicted the Bible and African values.

Unlike the Western world such as Europe and America, Africans have an absolute attitude towards homosexuality. Homosexuality has long been illegal in many African countries. The bishops have signalled their intention of “walking away” from the Anglican Communion. To confront the fallen culture of same-sex relationship, Archbishop of Cape Town Njongonkulu Ndungane suggested that African bishops have to develop their own theology.

“The Western world is embroiled in a new religion which we cannot associate ourselves with.”

Kenyan Bishop Julius Kalu said there would be a problem with training ministers abroad because of the different values and environment.

The following is the full statement from the African bishops, released by the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa:

Statement from the Primates gathered at the first African Anglican Bishop’s Conference

We are gathered at an extraordinary and historic meeting of Anglican Bishops from all over Africa. We do so grateful for the Faith once delivered to the saints and the generosity of those who first brought the good news of Jesus Christ to the African continent.

We have come to celebrate the coming of age of the Church in Africa and we look forward to taking our rightful place in the various councils of the wider church. In that context we have received the Windsor Report prepared at the Primates’ request and in preparation for our meeting in February we offer the following preliminary reflections:

  • We are very grateful for the hard work of the Commission members and the dedicated servant leadership offered by the Most Reverend Robin Eames. We believe that the Windsor Report offers a way forward that has the potential of being marked with God's grace.

  • We believe that the Windsor Report correctly points out that the Episcopal Church USA and the Diocese of New Westminster have pushed the Anglican Communion to the breaking point. The report rightly states that they did not listen to the clear voices of the Communion, rejected the Counsel of the four Instruments of Unity and ignored the plea of the Primates of the Global South in their statements issued on October 16th and November 2nd, 2003.

  • We call on the Episcopal Church USA and the Anglican Church of Canada to take seriously the need for “repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation enjoined on us by Christ” and move beyond informal expressions of regret for the effect of their actions to a genuine change of heart and mind. Failure to do so would indicate that they have chosen to “walk alone” and follow another religion.

  • We note with approval that the Windsor Report calls for a moratorium on the election and consecration of any candidate to the episcopate who is living in same gender union and the use of rites for the blessing of same-sex unions. We urge the Episcopal Church USA and the Anglican Church of Canada to take this call to heart mindful of Lambeth Resolution 1.10 “We cannot advise the legitimizing or blessing of same sex unions nor ordaining those involved in same gender unions.” Failure to do so would indicate that they have chosen to “walk alone.”

  • The Windsor Report acknowledges the great pain that has been inflicted upon faithful communities that have resisted doctrinal innovations within Episcopal Church USA and the Anglican Church of Canada. However, we reject the moral equivalence drawn between those who have initiated the crisis and those of us in the Global South who have responded to cries for help from beleaguered friends. To call on us to “express regret” and reassert our commitment to the Communion is offensive in light of our earlier statements. If the Episcopal Church USA had not will fully “torn the fabric of our communion at its deepest level” our actions would not have been necessary.

  • We note with approval the recognition that extraordinary episcopal care is needed for congregations alienated from their diocesan bishops. We remain convinced that the adequacy of that care should be determined by those who receive it, and we are looking for clear evidence that the Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight proposal is effective by this measure.

  • We are encouraged by the suggestions offered for restructuring the various instruments of unity to strengthen our common life. We look forward to the day when the voices of the majority of the Anglican Communion are adequately represented in those various instruments.

We are committed to the future life of the Anglican Communion, one that is rooted in truth and charity, and faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.