Agency Will Not Pull Out of Darfur Despite Partial Evacuation

Despite the recent outbursts of violence in Darfur which have led to the suspension of humanitarian organisations, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), an ecumenical, independent development aid organisation, said will not pull out from the war-stricken area. The dangerous environment has forced the agency to suspend their works in the north and east of Nyala but it is still fully active in other areas.

"We will not pull out of Darfur," said Anne Lise Fossland, Norwegian Church Aid’s representative in Sudan. "It is essential that the world does not forget about what is happening in Darfur, and we must work to reach a lasting solution to the conflict."

NCA and several partners run clinics and food centres in areas that have recently been attacked. Workers were evacuated to safer areas as reports of probable attacks came in. In the last few months, an attack in one camp resulted in refugees being shot and killed. In several incidents, healthcare workers have had to treat the sick and injured in the open air.

"We find the situation extremely worrying," Fossland said. "People are lying under trees, they have lost absolutely everything. The situation could soon become desperate, and it is impossible to get aid out to these regions in the current climate."

As soon as the security situation improves, Norwegian Church Aid will resume its work in the north and east of Nyala,

According to NCA reports, internally displaced persons are increasing whilst the security weakens. UN statistics reveal that approximately 1.6 million people have fled their homes and an estimated have been 70,000 killed.

"We are grateful to know that our workers are in safety. But the people in these areas rely on our assistance, and I fear for what will happen to them," Fossland said. "Our clinics and food centres may have been plundered – we simply do not know."

The breakdown in law and order continues with looting and abductions. The international community is "getting nowhere" with the crisis in the western Sudanese region of Darfur, says John Danforth, US ambassador to the UN.

The civil war between the government and rebels began in early 2003. The two sides have been engaged in peace talks and negotiations, but agreements are yet to come.

Jenny Lee
Ecumenical Press