American Nun Killed as she Read Bible to Killers in Brazil

An American nun has been brutally killed in the Amazon rainforest region of Brazil. Dorothy Stang, 73, read Bible passages to her killers moments before she was shot dead, despite being a passionate defender and worker for the area over the past 20 years.

Stang had received numerous death threats over the years for her works, and was particularly noted for her great advocacy efforts in the country.

Sadly the killing of the nun has come as no great surprise for the inhabitants of the region, which has become an area continuously plagued by slave labour, illegal logging, and brutal violence over land.

The President of the Catholic Church's Amazonia Episcopal Committee, Bishop Jayme Chemello commented, "The death of Sister Dorothy was a crime foretold."

The merciless killing took place in the Boa Esperanca area, and witnesses reported that the nun, when confronted by the killers, immediately took out her Bible from her bag and began reading out aloud. Allegedly, the killers then paused for a few moments and listened before taking a number of strides back and firing at Stang.

Police attended the scene and have identified four prime suspects to the crime, however, no official arrests have currently been made.

A fellow-nun who worked alongside Stang, Maria Cunha reported, "People warned her not to go to Boa Esperanca that day, that it was too dangerous."

The Brazilian government's human rights secretary, Nilmario Miranda said, "She always asked for protection for others, never for herself."

The killing has reinforced calls made by human rights activists and agencies for a programme to be adopted by the Brazilian government to investigate death threats made towards rights activists in the country. Miranda has responded by stating that the state officials were working to implement such a programme.