Amiibo news: Wolf Link to be sold separately; availability details on Lucas amiibo revealed

As it turns out, gamers won't have to buy a copy of "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD" to take home a Wolf Link amiibo. Escapist Magazine reports that the figurine will not, after all, be bundled with the forthcoming game.

The HD remaster of "Twilight Princess" will be released on March 4 next year and it will come packaged with the figure, which sees Midna riding on top of Wolf Link. It is unclear, however, whether or not the said amiibo will be sold separately on the same day the game launches.

On the other hand, those who have been wanting to score a Lucas amiibo were treated to new details about the availability of the toy. A Reddit user claims that Target will have around 20 to 32 Lucas amiibo up for grabs.

The leakster points out that this number is twice that of the Classic Mario amiibo supply. The Lucas amiibo should not be difficult to get to when it officially hits the market on Jan. 22.

Apart from the Wolf Link and the Lucas figurines, gamers, especially "Super Smash Bros. 4" players, look forward to a bunch of new amiibo set to be released next year. In the final Nintendo Direct broadcast, it was revealed that three more characters will be added to the fan-favorite brawler.

Cloud Strife from "Final Fantasy 7," Bayonetta from a third-person action video game of the same name and Corrin from "Fire Emblem" were confirmed to be the latest and what look like the final additions to the title.

These characters will be getting their own amiibos next year. However, it was not specified when exactly the figurines will be released. At the moment, Nintendo has set Mar. 18, 2016 for the launch of the amiibos for Rey, Ryu and ROB. With this too far away, iDigital Times believe that it will be a long wait before the Cloud Strife, Bayonetta and Corrin amiibo become available.