Android 5.0.1 Lollipop out for Samsung Galaxy S5 on US Cellular and Galaxy S4 on AT&T


Android Lollipop has yet to arrive on so many more devices. Most users in the United States who own the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy S5 are still in the dark. Thankfully though, AT&T and US Cellular finally ticked the check box next to the Samsung phones on their Lollipop checklist.

US Cellular finally got Android 5.0.1 Lollipop off the ground and to its customers who own the Galaxy S5. The carrier is rolling out the update over the air so users should have received a notification for the download prompt by now.

For those who haven't, US Cellular has also made the update available through the Samsung Kies desktop software, which eliminates the need to wait for the update to pop up on the 2014 Samsung flagship's screen. All there is to do is launch the software on a Mac or PC and connect the device.

With US Cellular releasing Android Lollipop to Galaxy S5 units under its network, AT&T is the only carrier yet to bring it out. But as it turns out, the company has been busy prepping up the update for the Samsung Galaxy S4, the S5's predecessor. 

Just recently, AT&T announced that Android 5.0.1 Lollipop is ready for owners of its version of Samsung Galaxy S4. The update with build number LRX22C.1337UCUGOC3 comes stocky at 974 MB and is deployed over the air. Needless to say, it is best to download it over a Wi-Fi connection. 

Features and improvements from Android 5.0.1 Lollipop starts with the vibrant animations from the all-new Material Design. It also has a Priority mode that allows users to handpick notifications that can go through. It promises enhanced security by providing a guest user account and the ability to create multiple accounts, and the Smart Lock allows users to pair their smartphone with a trusted device. Lastly, recent and frequent search details are gathered and stored in one convenient spot so that users can check them again without ease.