Andy Flannagan: HIDE and SEEK

|PIC1|Artists and performers are inevitably the worst in the world at practising the art of "being hidden". The very lifeblood to our work is often publicity and marketing, which is not in itself wrong, but the battle for control of our hearts and motives in this context becomes increasingly violent.

In spite of the fact that Jesus repeatedly affirmed that the Father, who sees in secret, will reward us openly (Matt 6), we remain offended if we do not receive credit or affirmation. This quest for recognition can become a source of wrong motives and genuine emptiness; and the familiar passers-by called jealousy, pride and selfish ambition begin to hold our gaze for too long.

Something was revealed to me recently that has dramatically affected how I look at this whole area.

What if the Holy Spirit were to ask you "Do you know my name?" Think about it for a second - the primary revelation of God the Father's name was Yahweh, and obviously that of God the Son is Jesus. We have images and descriptions of the Holy Spirit, but do we have a name for him? Remember all the good things that he has done in your life; every gifting, comfort, conviction, and blessing. Yet in all these He has never drawn attention to himself, instead choosing to point us in praise to Jesus. This also applies to everything He has achieved through the span of history, from brooding over creation to Pentecost.

The nature of the Holy Spirit is in stark contrast to our human desires to be seen, praised and recognized. He truly, passionately delights in "hiddeness".

Two blazing fires consume His every thought: to see Jesus glorified and the Father's will accomplished on earth. Here, before my eyes, I see perfect humility and complete obedience. Do I really care more about the Kingdom than my ministry?
All my life I have never really known what it meant to say that someone was "spiritual". Much praying perhaps?, "seeing" lots of pictures for people?, a life of poverty? Suddenly the euro dropped! I was left thinking that perhaps it is blatantly simple and obvious - someone who is spiritual is being like the Holy Spirit! i.e. their life is consumed with pointing people to Jesus, while not caring whether or not people get to know their name!

It is part and parcel of being on a stage or screen that people will know our names, but I have been challenged to leave behind that large chunk of me that loves that fact just a bit too much. God sees and knows our works. Whether or not promotion or elevation comes in this world, the reward we must seek is that which comes from heaven.
Do you know His name?

Lord, forgive me for seeking recognition from man. Help the Holy Spirit to be filled with Your substance- Your thoughts and motives, Your contentment and power. Live Your marvelous life of hiddenness through us that Jesus may truly be glorified and the Father's will be fully accomplished.

(Ref: Francis Frangipane)

Andy Flannagan
Christian Today Columnist

Andy Flannagan is Youth For Christ's (YFC) National Songwriter/Worship Leader. Songs from his two albums "Advertising the Invisible" and "Son" have been critically acclaimed by reviewers, and have been featured at various events and outlets such as Spring Harvest, New Wine, Greenbelt, Soul Survivor, and BBC radio and television.