Anglican Church of Kenya Urges Government on Peace Efforts

|PIC1|The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) has urged the country’s government to boost funds towards peace and development initiatives to stabilise the volatile North Eastern district of Kenya.

Archbishop of the ACK Benjamin Nzimbi expressed regret that vast amounts of public funds were being squandered because of money laundering and corruption while people in Northern Kenya continued to face daily hardship, reports news agency AllAfrica.

He added that the government should also redirect funds from other areas into measures to develop North Eastern Kenya.

Archbishop Nzimbi made the comments at a memorial service held for the late Rt Rev William Waqo who died earlier in the month in a plane crash that also claimed the lives of several prominent Kenyan legislators.

|TOP|He added: "The Government should hastily engage elders in the region in dialogue to pursue peace."

Religious leaders, including the ACK’s Maseno South Bishop Mwayi Abiero, have also called on President Mwai Kibaki to set up a national healing and reconciliation commission to foster stronger relations among Kenyans.

Bishop Abiero said the commission should visit all regions in the country to help Kenyans reconcile and live in harmony, adding that Kenyans were suffering because of persisting tribalism.

The bishop was supported by leading Muslim clerics who urged that Kenya’s National Prayer Day held last week should become an annual event.