Apple Watch: trial device for 15 minutes starting April 10

The new Apple Watch has already been unveiled during the company's Spring Forward event held in the early weeks of March. Now, Apple fans are debating how the tech giant would present its new wearable to consumers. 

Apple-centric website 9to5Mac reports that aside from having pre-order sales for the Apple Watch, retail stores are also mandated to serve possible wearable customers who wish to try the peripheral first to see for themselves if they would like the new smartwatch. 

Starting April 10, Apple will give customers 15 minutes to try on the Apple Watch. With 10 or more stations that would be set up in the company's retail stores, customers need not have to call and get an appointment — they can just waltz in and check out the smartwatch for themselves.

Aside from providing a limited, hands-on demo, the company will also be setting up special nooks for the watch, complete with specialists that would help each Apple customer and facilitate the smartwatch demo, answering queries and guiding prospective buyers. The specialists have already completed a secret training program for the peripheral even before the Spring Forward event, and Apple will ensure that each specialist has foremost knowledge about the Apple Watch by providing an even more extensive training before the soft launch on April 10. 

To offer a more personalized service, there will also be special employees dedicated to providing assistance to possible buyers of the Apple Watch Edition models. This might sound a bit overboard for some, but given the version's starting price tag of $10,000, a more premiere service is a sound marketing move. The Apple Watch Edition will also be limited in quantity and availability in select Apple Stores. 

Anticipating fluid retail sales, Apple will also have stock ready for purchase in selected retail locations, and will provide a new Reserve and Pick up system. This option will allow buyers to reserve Apple Watches by April 10 and have it ready for pick up on April 24, the wearable's grand launch.