Archbishop seeks renewed commitment to peace in Sudan

The Archbishop of Canterbury has come out in support of calls for a renewed commitment to sustainable peace in Sudan.

In a statement issued on the Sudan Day of Action on Thursday, Dr Rowan Williams warned that peace in Sudan was being threatened by “unfulfilled” commitments and delays to implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended 21 years of civil war in 2005.

He said there was an urgent need for the Sudanese Government, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and the international community to demonstrate their renewed commitment to implementing the CPA.

The Archbishop called for a continuation of the disarmament process and efforts towards a referendum in 2011.

“It is understandable and right that the continuing horrors of Darfur attract international attention. But we need to recognise that unless the commitments around the CPA are honoured there is no chance of settling the conflict in Darfur,” he said.

“I therefore urge a renewal of commitment and a readiness to work for measurable results as soon as possible.”

He concluded with a call to people to pray for sustainable peace to be achieved throughout Sudan.