'Arrow' season 3 spoilers: Oliver to be the next League leader in episode 16 'The Offer'?

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A question in the previous episode of "Arrow" was left hanging. Ra's al Ghul kept away from killing Oliver in Nanda Parbat but that does not go unreturned. The catch is that the hooded vigilante has to agree to his bid, and that is to become the cruel leader of his kingdom and become one with the League of Assassins. 

Oliver's response to the proposal remains to be seen but it looks like Ra's al Ghul knows how to sway the hero — by offering him "a whole world to save" and making him realize that the road to justice is not but one. 

"Oliver is completely — as hopefully the audience is — taken aback 'cause he was not expecting," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said to TV Line about Ra's al Ghul's offer to Oliver of a central place in his domain. 

"Ra's has an interesting perspective on that question, which you'll get in the first act [of the next episode]," co-executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed. "One of the things we reveal in [Episode] 320 is where the name The League of Assassins came from and what it means to be an assassin. If you're a historian, you know it has a different meaning than what it's become in the modern day." 

The promo for episode 16 titled "The Offer" shows Oliver chewing things over and, in the end, declaring, "Maybe I should be Ra's al Ghul."

However, being a murderous boss is not Oliver's calling. Technically, it is the daughter of Ra's that should be getting that throne. 

"Nyssa is the Heir to the Demon, so you can imagine how she feels when she finds out that what she considered to be her birthright is being handed to Oliver," Kreisberg teased.

This gets more twisted as Sara Lance's death comes into play and it involves the demon descendant.

Meanwhile, episode 16 seems to be more focused on a new villain in the scene. The Arrow does not have time to take a break as Starling City is attacked by Murmur, an enemy disguised as an esteemed neurosurgeon that goes by the name of Dr. Michael Amar. 

Episode 16 of "Arrow" will be aired on March 18.