Award-winning Writer Speaks on Misunderstandings, Chances of Religion and Media

The winner of the John Templeton Prize for "European Religion Writer of the Year 2005" has shared his thoughts on the misunderstandings and opportunities of religion and media at a lecture given as part of the prize in Lisbon yesterday.

Portuguese journalist António Marujo was awarded the prize earlier in the year by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) on behalf of the John Templeton Foundation.

In his lecture entitled "Religion and Media - Misunderstandings and Chances" , Marujo said that the secular media "show a great ignorance of and suspicion towards religion".

"On the other hand, religious institutions show a lack of confidence in the media, and seem to be unable to understand the fundamentals of journalism as well as to grasp the challenges of modern information technology."

Marujo also stressed that churches should use the media to share the faith beyond what the news of the major institutions.

"In the eyes of many church leaders the media are just a modern form of pulpit. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings. As a professional journalist I have to write on religious institutions, of course.

"But I find it equally important to give exposure to unknown voices, to give voice to humble but significant faith experiences, because the religious dimension is a fundamental part of the human being, still today."

The event was presided over by Rev. Diamantino Lemos from the Lusitanian Church (Anglican), representing the Council of Portuguese Christian Churches (COPIC).

Rev. Luca M. Negro, CEC Communications Secretary, brought the greetings of CEC and the Templeton Foundation.

Mr Adelino Gomes, a well-known reporter from "Público" - the daily newspaper for which Mr Marujo works - offered his reflections on the lecture, prompting a lively debate.

The venue of the lecture was the "Grémio Literário", the old literary circle well-known from the novel "Os Maias" by the Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz.