Baptist leaders call for prayer amid 'challenging' coronavirus outbreak

(Photo: Unsplash/Marek Rucinski)

The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is calling its churches to pray in the face of the "challenging" coronavirus outbreak. 

With the deadly virus sweeping the globe, BUGB leaders said the pandemic was "going to reveal the essential nature of our discipleship". 

The BUGB is asking Christians to pray for the infected, affected and those fearful of the spread, as well as medical workers, and the most vulnerable and isolated in communities. 

The prayers ask for healing, help and hope for all those affected, and wisdom for churches as they seek to "keep people connected and safe". 

The call to prayer came in a letter on Friday from BUGB President Ken Benjamin and General Secretary Lynn Green. 

"Finding ourselves caught up in a global pandemic is challenging and is going to reveal the essential nature of our discipleship," they write. 

"Like the early disciples our call is to follow Jesus in the midst of everything that life throws at us (2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

"As we do, we know that Christ is with us, God's Holy Spirit is empowering us and that we have the precious gift of prayer."

They encourage Christians to take inspiration from I Thessalonians 5:16, in which Paul encourages the Thessalonian believers to be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances. 

"We need to hear this as God's word for us today," the BUGB leaders write. 

They go on to call on churches to be a "beacon of hope" and "embody" the words of the prayers as they support their communities. 

"Our neighbours and communities need love, hope, peace and an eternal perspective and we can offer this in abundance, in the name of Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:18)," they write. 

"We want to call all our churches to prayer and provide you with some words and ideas to help because we believe in the power of our collective prayers and actions at this time.

"Please use these prayers yourself, with your church and in your communities as we turn to our God asking for healing, help, hope for all those affected by the coronavirus in the UK and around the world.

"Please embody these prayers too in the many practical opportunities that will come your way to love your neighbour."