'Batman v Superman' news: First Batman vs. Superman script would have been interesting

[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Imp Awards]

For those who are not avid followers of DC comics, it would be wise to note that there had been plans to make a Batman vs. Superman movie before. In fact there was one in 2004 but sadly, nothing materialized.

So with the expected debut of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" in March 2016, could any of those scenes be integrated? Or will director Zach Snyder have something else and hopefully better?

To date, Snyder keeps most of the plots under wraps and reiterates not to take spreading rumors about the upcoming film seriously. Then again, he could be playing around, a safety measure to make sure that the upcoming film won't be spoiled.

The latest is that Warner Bros. reportedly requests to feature more of Batman than Superman in the said film following the release of its trailer. Ben Affleck's caped crusader rendition, as shown in the trailer, drew praises from fans. It remains to be seen if Snyder would agree to such.

Now back to 2004, it was a totally different story.

The story sees Batman and Superman retired and carrying on with their lives. The story seems to revolve more on Batman/Bruce Wayne. After his marriage to a certain Elizabeth, Wayne's wife gets stung by a mechanical bee and dies.

Batman sets out to avenge her death against the Joker but Superman tries to reason with him and prevent the Dark Knight from going on a killing spree. Irked at the loss of the woman he loves, Batman would hear nothing of it and says he would kill Superman as well if he got in the way. It goes as far as Batman creating a kryptonite armor to make sure the Man of Steel doesn't stand in the way.

Lex Luthor is also in the mix and Joker was simply a pawn. It seems that Luthor wanted to get Batman out of retirement and the twist gets even better. As it turns out, his wife who was killed was actually someone planted by Luthor.

In the end, Luthor wanted Batman and Superman to battle. But when the smoke cleared, the Joker clone is dead once more; Luthor is presumed dead but most likely just missing; and the two end up as friends once more.

Given that script, could Snyder have gotten something out of it? Well, let us wait for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" to debut. Mark the date — March 25, 2016.