Billy Graham advises Christians mocked for their faith: Don't get discouraged by those who don't know God

Billy Graham says the 'strongest witness for Christ comes not from what we say, but by the life we live.'(Facebook/Billy Graham)

What should Christians do when they are mocked by non-believers because of their faith?

Popular American evangelist Billy Graham gave this simple advice: Don't get discouraged by those who don't know God.

Writing in his Kansas City Star column, Graham said a woman wrote him asking for advice regarding her husband who often makes negative comments about her and her faith in front of other people, therefore embarrassing her.

Graham replied: "I'm sorry your husband sometimes embarrasses you before others because of your faith; such behavior should be off-limits in any marriage, regardless of the reason."

He then quoted Ephesians 4:32, which tells people: "Be kind and compassionate to one another."

Graham said Christians who are being mocked because of their faith should not feel down or worthless. "Because the opposite is true. God knows all about your situation, and ultimately your husband's argument is not with you but with God. When we put our faith in Christ, he adopts us into his family, and nothing will ever change his love for us, even the mockery of those who think we're foolish for believing in Christ," he said.

Graham also reminded Christians that even Jesus Christ was mocked by non-believers during His time on Earth. "But they didn't succeed, nor should they with you. Shortly before he was arrested and put to death, for example, his enemies "sent spies, who pretended to be sincere," he said.

What the troubled wife should do is simply pray for her husband, and ask God to make him realise his bigotry and need for Christ. "Pray too that God will help you to be the best wife you can possibly be, and that Christ's love and peace will shine through your life. Often our strongest witness for Christ comes not from what we say, but by the life we live," he said.