BMS World Mission Urges Christians to Attend 'I Count' Climate Event

Thousands of people are expected to gather in London this November for the 'I Count' climate event to pressure the UK government into taking urgent action on climate change. BMS World Mission is urging Christians to be there too.

The 'I Count' event will be hosted by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition in London's Trafalgar Square from 1 to 3pm on Saturday 4 November and will also make the call for a radical reduction of worldwide carbon emissions over the next decade.

Gareth Wilde, BMS mission education coordinator said that, as Christians it is our responsibility to join the campaign to stop climate chaos.

"BMS workers in some of the poorest countries in the world are seeing firsthand the catastrophic effects of climate change.

"Crop failures, flooding and desertification are affecting poor communities that have few resources to deal with the devastating consequences of climate chaos."

He challenged Christians to play their part in urging international action: "BMS calls on its supporters to stand alongside other Christian charities, as well as environmental and political groups who are part of Stop Climate Chaos, in campaigning for international action. Come and be counted on 4 November with thousands of people who want to make their voices heard".

The call comes as 'The Inconvenient Truth' - a movie documentary on global warming starring former US Vice President Al Gore - is due for UK release Friday.

The rally in London will include street bands, entertainment, film, performance and speakers and takes place as part of a worldwide series of campaigns and demonstrations to be held on the eve of the next round of international talks on climate change in Nairobi, Kenya.

A church service in St Martin-in the-fields will also precede the main event.

Later in November the Queen's Speech could include a landmark bill, which would commit to a Carbon Budget as a way of managing UK greenhouse gas emissions - something environmental and Christian groups like Tearfund have been pushing for.