Bobbi Kristina Brown latest condition update: unexplained injuries, says report; police to question Nick Gordon

Bobbi Kristina Brown and her mother Whitney Houston, who was also coincidentally found lifeless in a tub back in 2012.Wikipedia

Whitney Houston's only daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown is still in an unfavorable condition after being discovered unresponsive in her own bathtub on Jan. 31, but the police are now ready to question her long-time boyfriend Nick Gordon to know if there was foul play. 

CNN reported that a source close to the family shared that the 21-year-old has several injuries that are still unexplained. However, the real nature of the injuries are still undisclosed. The investigators would like to determine whether or not Gordon has something to do with Bobbi Kristina's current condition. 

The late singer and Bobby Brown's only daughter was placed under medically induced coma after a Roswell police spokesperson declared that she was "unresponsive, meaning not breathing, no heartbeat." According to the source, the condition of her brain function is still inconclusive until the doctors reduce the dosage of her sedatives. 

The mystery of Bobbi Kristina's condition is still under inquiry, but several insiders claim that Gordon was trying to cover up something. 

TMZ reported that Max Lomas, the friend of Brown and Gordon who discovered her almost lifeless body in the tub, allegedly told the police that he arrived at their Roswell, Atlanta home at around 9 a.m. on Saturday to hang out with Gordon, but he did not see Brown at the property. Gordon told him that Brown was in their bedroom. 

At around 10 a.m. on the same day, a cable guy reportedly came to the house and Lomas showed him in since Gordon was nowhere to be found. Inside the bedroom, Lomas discovered Bobbi Kristina's lifeless body in the tub. He shouted Gordon's name, who immediately rushed to the room to administer CPR on Bobbi Kristina.

Currently, friends and family are spending time to visit her in the hospital. Her grandmother Cissy Houston reportedly arrived at the Emory University Hospital on Friday.