Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare news: Kevin Spacey featured as Atlas big boss Jonathan Irons (Trailer)

Call of Duty

Game developer Sledgehammer features yet another exciting game for military-action and first-person shooter video game enthusiasts. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the 11th in the Call of Duty series, is scheduled to be released on Nov. 4 and will feature Kevin Spacey (Superman Returns, American Beauty, House of Cards) as the antagonist. Game fans will also see changes and differences to previous versions of the game.

In an interview with The Guardian, co-founder of Sledgehammer Games, Michael Condrey, said, "Three years ago, right after we finished Modern Warfare 3, we started thinking about how to change Call of Duty."

The company wanted the game to be more realistic. This includes putting in a plausible antagonist – a security threat to the US that could emerge in the future – as well as using weapons that are already being researched or developed. To provide a level of authenticity, the developers decided to bring in experts for inputs.

"We brought in a lot of outside help – military advisers, futurologists – we got together with a scenario planner from the department of defense, who is active in the Pentagon," he explained. "His job is to think about future threats and prepare 'what if' scenarios for the US government. So we asked him, what do you think will be the conflict of tomorrow?"

Ideas like conflicts with China, another Cold War with Russia, or the unification of Islamic extremists were ruled out. Rather, they were drawn to the idea of a private corporation – a weapons manufacturer that supplies the latest technology and weaponry to the military – taking over the government of the US.

"We thought that was fascinating and provocative," Condrey told the newspaper. "What happens when an organisation that's built for profit has access to all the latest weapons and technology – an organisation that can operate outside of the Geneva Convention, that can be purchased by the highest bidder? What if that got out of control?"

The result is Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Set in 2054, it features the largest private military contractor, Atlas, out to take over the US. According to Condrey, all the weapons, vehicles, aircrafts, and other technology used in the game are based on what is currently being researched and/or developed or already have prototypes – that should make the game pretty interesting.

Official Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal trailerCall of Duty