'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta update


Publisher Activision and developer Treyarch are continuing to build the hype for their upcoming first-person shooter "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3." Previously, Treyarch subjected the game to a series of gauntlets through closed beta launches that tested the game and then solicited fan feedback.

Now, it seems that the feedback Treyarch received has been put to use in the upcoming title.

In an announcement posted on the official US PlayStation blog, Treyarch wrote that the amount of data and information generated in the beta launch allowed the development team to pinpoint changes and make improvements in the final and full version of "Black Ops 3."

Treyarch design director David Vonderhaar said, "Preparing for the Beta required a lot of work — basically, it was a launch-before-the-launch — but we all knew that it would be worth it because of the amount of data it would generate and the invaluable input that would get from you, our fans."

Vondehaar then proceeded to highlight some of the changes that were incorporated after the beta test results were gathered.

Most of the changes have been improvements and fixes on in-game mechanics and balancing – sometimes downgrading – certain features of the game. For example, during the beta, players found out that the Black Hat equipment was too powerful. Based on player responses, Treyarch overhauled the hacking device and made hacking more challenging by shortening the time duration for each hack, along with inputting a requirement of precise aim for the device.

Meanwhile, other features were also improved, such as Rejack, flinch mechanics, and even combat weapons like grenades. The list of the recent changes that Treyarch made based on the closed beta results can be found on the US PlayStation blog.

The full version of "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" with the changes included is set to be released on Nov. 6 for the both older-gen and current-gen console platforms for the Xbox and PlayStation, as well as for PC.