Care for the Family Launches New Book to Support Stepfamilies

Care for the Family has launched a new book for those living in or preparing to live in a stepfamily at its Engage! conference which took place in Manchester over the weekend.

The special day conference was held as part of a wider effort by Care for the Family to help Christians and their churches connect with their local communities.

Delegates heard from the authors of Every Step Counts, Christine and Tony Tufnell, that stepfamilies are the fastest growing family type in the UK, with more than 2.5 million children living in a stepfamily.

Drawing on their own experience of parenting six children in a stepfamily they understand the particular difficulties step-parents face.

Christine said: "Being a parent can be daunting and parenting in a stepfamily brings unique challenges. There can be issues about trust, different styles of parenting, building relationships with extended family, overcoming stepsibling jealousies and many more!

"We hope that this book will help all those who are in stepfamilies and will also be a valuable reference resource for those working in the community."

Richard Hardy, Church and Community Development Manager at Care for the Family and key note speaker at Engage! said, "I am delighted that this book has been written. Any resource that offers guidance and insights into the changing face of family life is invaluable. I would urge all those working in the community to get a copy of Every Step Counts."

Over 150 people attended Engage! which was hosted by charity Care for the Family. The day was packed with ideas and insights to help church groups and those working in the community to forge new and stronger relationships.