'Castle' season 8 episode 4 spoilers: Rick teams up with Ryan and Esposito to find his literary hero's murderer in 'What Lies Beneath'

Rick may be dealing with heartbreak right now but that doesn't stop "Castle" season 8 from pulling in uproarious and intense episodes like this week's installment, which puts him in a case with Ryan and Esposito against a so-called "reformed" pathological liar.

In the episode, which is titled "What Lies Beneath," Rick attempts to find justice to the death of his "reclusive" literary idol. His investigation leads him right to someone claiming to be the victim's big-mouthed sponsor and friend whose actions before the murder make him look guilty.

As seen in the clip from this "Castle" season 8 episode, the suspect claims that the moment he was seen arguing with the author was when he was persuading him to attend the "Pathological Liars Anonymous Meeting."

He is even offended by Esposito for joking about the mental disorder that is compulsive and pathological lying. This person says he's telling the truth because he took an honesty pledge that requires him to refrain from becoming untruthful.

To "prove" this, he tells Rick's latest book is a "boring retread," reveals that Ryan is using lifts to appear taller and divulges that Esposito dying his hair to look younger. When he is called out for being mean, he defends that it's just brutal honesty.

This "Castle" season 8 episode will indeed have Rick surrounded by lies. In a promo for the episode, Rick realizes that "There's no greater betrayal than a lie in a marriage." It was also teased that the installment will also be the "moment of truth" for Rick and Kate.

Speaking of which, even though the couple has already split, they will still be hurled together to solve crimes. Showrunner Terence Paul Winter teased to The Hollywood Reporter that Rick will still "[find] a way to worm his way into her cases."

"What ends up happening is, of course, we get to a place where Castle and Beckett are building theory together, figuring out who's behind whatever the murder of the week is," he went on to say.

"Castle" season 8 episode 4 "What Lies Beneath" airs today at 10 p.m. on ABC.