Change your life, not only your light bulbs, says Methodist charity

The Methodist Relief and Development Fund is challenging Christians to do more for the environment than simply switching to energy-saving light bulbs.

It has published a new Bible study pack for Lent, 'What does the Bible say about climate change?', which it hopes will shed some light on what the Bible, written more than 2,000 years ago, has to say about the contemporary problem of climate change.

Over the course of six Bible study sessions, small groups will have the opportunity to reflect on a Christian response to climate change and be given pointers on the small yet significant changes they can make to their lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprints.

"If we are serious about living out our faith in the modern world and bringing good news to the poor, we cannot ignore the challenges posed by climate change," said the Vice President of the Methodist Conference, Ruby Beech.

"At last year's Methodist Conference in Blackpool, the Methodist Church passed a resolution committing churches to play their part. I warmly welcome this pack and commend it to all Christians who want to translate their aspirations into action."

'What does the Bible say about climate change?' includes Bible readings, activities, discussion questions, prayer and action ideas, while case studies from UK-based campaigns and MRDF's development partners in Africa and Asia give the study group members an insight into the impact of climate change on people's lives.

The charity is hoping that the Bible studies will inspire its users to make practical responses to help the environment, such as recycling or changing light-bulbs. Most importantly, however, MRDF is hoping that the Bible studies will lead to a rethink people's attitudes to climate change and the way they live each day.

MRDF Director Kirsty Smith said: "MRDF is increasingly aware of the effects of climate change on poor communities overseas, caused predominantly by CO2 emissions from rich countries.

"It is particularly important to focus on climate change during Lent this year as the Climate Change Bill is being discussed by UK parliament at this time. We hope many groups will use this pack to make a new and confident commitment to action, both towards their own lifestyles and in seeking to influence the government in the role it can play."

'What does the Bible say about climate change?' is designed for house groups, youth groups and other small study groups. The study pack is free and has accompanying notes for group leaders.

Download the pack here