China Children's Fund Supports Christian Leaders Preaching in China

Forming for the past few years, Chinese Christian leaders have been developing a project to reach out to the millions of children in China, according to Asia Harvest.

|PIC1|The Project was formed by Christians who wanted to ensure that children in China were given the chance, at an early age, to learn the gospel, Paul Hattaway, director of Asia Harvest said in their September newsletter.

The Christian leaders in China have been training thousands of Sunday School teachers to serve children four and older by teaching them the Bible. The leaders have also equipped them with specific resources that include covered traveling expenses.

The project, operated and led by Chinese believers, was recently joined by Asia Harvest and other organisations after they learned about the "strategic need."

"This project has the potential to impact hundreds of thousands of Chinese children with the Gospel, and in fact has already seen tremendous fruit wherever it has been implemented," Hattaway said in the newsletter.

Asia Harvest will support the Chinese Christians who have been producing and distributing the materials by setting up the China Children's Fund.

"This has been a burden for the Chinese believers, as most of them live in poor rural areas where the cost of obtaining a set of training materials is much more than they can afford," Asia Harvest said.

|TOP|The training materials include a Children's Bible, Teacher's Manual, 18 Teaching books with visual aid, 15 hour VCD (video cassette disk) teachings, and 6 CDs of "Children's Heavenly Songs," which are all in Chinese.

Right now, according to Asia Harvest, China needs 10,000 sets of training materials, which costs US$47, an expense that will go towards printing, production, storage, and transportation, such as bringing the teachers from different provinces to the training course and sending them out to serve.

Asia Harvest said that the Chinese believers see the project as "the answer to years of prayers" of "asking God to help them reach the precious children in their nation."

Each teacher will be provided with one set of materials for a classroom of a hundred students, which can reach over a million children.

Hattaway said, "Pray that the Name of Jesus Christ will be exalted and glorified throughout every part of China, with millions of children being established in their faith and relationship with the Living God," and "for the thousands of Chinese Christians already involved in the tremendous ministry of reaching China's children."

Jennifer Lee
Christian Today Correspondent