Chinese drills near North Korea commenced; conflict between US and North Korea escalating; US seeks Russia's help to end crisis

Chinese naval vessels on East China SeaReuters/ China Daily

China's Navy has commenced live-fire drills along the coast of North Korea amid the tension between the rogue nation and the United States. The drills are launched in order to prepare the country for a potential nuclear war in the region between the U.S. and North Korea.

Several publications are stating that China's decision to hold drills near North Korea is an indication that the country will side with the hermit country in times of war. The dual suspension proposal by China and Russia earlier was also disregarded by the United States. Earlier in November, China and Russia presented an idea for the U.S. to cancel the ongoing drills with South Korea in exchange for North Korea hitting the breaks in its weapons programs.

North Korea is not slowing down with its missile program. Before November ends, North Korea Leader Kim Jong-Un released new photos of their biggest missile that could reach the United States.

There is still no confirmation if China's decision to hold drills of its own near North Korea is predicated on United States' dual suspension refusal. United States is still seeking the assistance of Russia and President Vladimir Putin to convince North Korea to abandon its weapons program. Trump mentioned that he recently had a conversation with Putin regarding the issue with North Korea. The President is indicating that Russia should exert more effort in mending the crisis.

"We would love to have his (Vladimir Putin) with North Korea. China is helping. Russia is not helping. We'd like to have Russia's help, very important," the POTUS said.

"We're gonna see what happens with North Korea, we have a lot of support. There are a lot of nations that agree with us. Almost everybody," he added.

Putin has not released a public statement regarding Trump's comment about the lack of effort from his government to resolve the problem with North Korea.