Christian Charity Prepares for Second Annual "BibleLands Sunday"

The international Christian Charity BibleLands last year celebrated its 150 year anniversary, and again this year the organisation’s commission is looking to expand and progress across the UK with the second annual ‘BibleLands Sunday’, which will take place on 3 July 2005.

BibleLands is hoping that the day will be a time to emphasise their future visions for the organisation and its Project Partners in the Middle East to the congregations. As a focus, this year’s BibleLands Sunday will concentrate on the hope that is given to disadvantaged children and adults by the charity’s work.

So far 12,000 churches across denominational lines have been sent free resource packs dedicated to the day. The pack contains a booklet of suggested prayers, readings and hymns as well as stories from Project Partners in Israel, Lebanon and Egypt that the charity hopes will inspire others.

Bookmark prayer cards have also been distributed along with poster promotional materials among other items.

Nigel Edward-Few, BibleLands director commented, "After the success of last year's BibleLands Sunday - the first ever celebrated - we are looking forward to British Christians reaching out once again together in encouragement to their brothers and sisters in the troubled Middle East. I hope that, through their prayer and financial support, the ministry of BibleLands' Project Partners will be strengthened and extended to care for an even greater number of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the lands of the Bible in the year ahead."

Biblelands points out that many people know very little about the tireless year-round work of the Christian-led Project Partners that operate on the front line in the Middle East region. Therefore, on 3 June the charity wishes to highlight this to the congregations and allow them to gain a deeper insight into the vast support given to the most needy in the region, regardless of faith or nationality.

BibleLands testifies the endless efforts of the Project Partners, telling how they provide education, vocational training, medical and social support, and advise refugees and those with special needs.

Edward-few concluded, "Amid the political turmoil of the region in which BibleLands operates, it is easy for the outside world to overlook the extent of the poverty and disadvantage faced by many people through no fault of their own. For those who are disabled, sick, or displaced from their homes, the difficulties are exacerbated. We want to encourage Christians in Britain to see that they can help to make a difference - they can offer healing and the hope of a brighter future to underprivileged children and adults."

Free initial sample packs of resources, which include an order form for ordering further free supplies, are available from Caroline Rance on 01494 897933, or via email at: