Christian Evangelicals Petition for USA to Lift Israel Travel ban

Evangelical Christian leaders have signed a petition attempting to apply pressure and influence USA President George Bush into lifting a four-year-old travel warning to Israel. Intense pressure has been building on America to submit to the requests of evangelicals and finally a US official has declared that the Whitehouse is contemplating lifting the ban after a steep drop in violence in the country.

President Bush relied heavily on the evangelical Christian vote in last year's presidential elections, and now the evangelical leaders, who are key supporters of Israel have rallied together with leading Jewish organisations to persuade Bush to rethink the USA's stance on Israel.

Christian leaders recently sent the petition to George Bush after also receiving the backing of Malcom Hoenlein, head of the Conference of Major American Jewish Organisations. In addition Tourism Minister, Avraham Hirschson stated that he backed the initiative; he commented, "In light of the improved security situation, the American government should cancel the travel warning."

An unnamed US government official reported to Reuters, "We are certainly looking at modifying the travel warning to Israel. We are now evaluating the travel warning (to Israel) because of the new political and security context"

The original ban on travelling to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip by the US began in September 2000, after a Palestinian uprising took place. However, since Yasser Arafat died in November 2004, and the more moderate Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas came to power, attacks by Palestinian militants have dropped sharply.

Last week also saw Abbas and the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon agree to a de facto ceasefire during an Egypt summit.

Prior to the US ban in travel to the region, US$4 billion was received from tourism and 2.5 million visitors entered. However, in 2004 those visiting Israel had dropped to just 1.5 million. Evangelical leaders have expressed their hope to see the renewed peace in the country be rewarded by the US dropping the travel ban.