Christian rights group welcomes release of Cuban church leader

Christian Solidarity Worldwide has welcomed the release of a respected Cuban church leader who had been facing one year in prison over accusations of “threatening behaviour”.

The Rev Roberto Rodriguez was arrested unexpectedly last week and tried in court but was cleared of the charge after his accusers gave contradictory evidence against him.

The ruling has been welcomed by the 67-year-old pastor’s family, who said that the court in Placetas, central Cuba, had no choice but to find him innocent.

Despite clearing him of the charge, the court still handed Rodriguez a fine. CSW said it was not clear why he had been fined.

The ruling ends a two-year ordeal for the pastor who was first charged in 2008. As no trial date had been set, he was forced to spend the last 21 months under house arrest until the hearing last Thursday.

CSW said his relatives had suffered verbal and physical abuse from neighbours, apparently with the support of the government, and that the family home had been vandalised.

CSW’s Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas said Rodriguez, a pastor for 48 years, had been targeted because his church had resisted attempts by the government to interfere in its internal affairs.

He said the treatment suffered by the pastor over the last two years had been a “disgrace”.

Mr Thomas said: “CSW calls on the Cuban government to ensure that restitution is made to the family for the damage caused to their house by their now discredited accusers, and that they are allowed to return to their home with the full guarantees of protection that are their right as Cuban citizens.”