Christianity in the face of Iraqi prisoner photos

With the recent disclosure of pictures depicting American soldiers forcing Iraqi prisoners into degrading and perverse acts, Christians around the world are feeling the after effects of the United States’ humiliation. Many in the Muslim world are presently using the pictures released as justification for killing American soldiers and Christians. Some Muslims feel that Christians themselves are to blame, since many interpret President George Bush's actions in the Iraq war as a moral war between Western civilisation and terrorists. And with George Bush being openly Christian, many Muslims believe that the war was Bush’s personal crusade.

However, the recent acts by soldiers were done by people who were anything but Christian. To terrorise prisoners with dogs or take photos of unclothed men and women certainly is not what Jesus would advocate. Jesus tells us to “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44) and “not resist an evil person, [but] if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39). Jesus tells us to forgive readily, even our enemies.

It is unfortunate, though, that the acts of a few depraved men and women have impressed upon the general Muslim public that all Americans are hypocrites. And with many Americans professing faith in Jesus Christ, Muslims sees Christians themselves in a negative light.

It has become easy for Americans and people in general to justify the Iraq war and occupation in terms of fighting evil, but it should be remembered that this method is not how Jesus intended Christians to act. Christians are not to combat evil with violence, but in kindness shown through love. The September 11th attacks were horrifying and destructive for sure, but is the whole idea of attacking an enemy before he attacks justified?

It should be remembered that our physical lives are not as important as our spiritual lives. Jesus said that to “not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28).

It has become easy for non-Christians to think of Christians as hypocrites. Thus, Christians should be a model in faith and actions, for “wisdom is proved right by her actions.” (Matthew 11:19).