Church Leaders & Christian Organisations Pay Tribute to Taizé Founder

Church leaders and a host of Christian organisations have been expressing their sympathies with the Taizé community, and have been paying tribute to their founder Brother Roger, who was killed last week. The Methodist Church, the WCC as well as the Anglican Communion leaders have each in turn released statements to offer their condolences on the Taizé leader’s passing away.

Revd Tom Stuckey, President of the Methodist Conference stated, “Brother Roger dedicated his life to serving God, helping others and spreading peace, and his life is an example to us all. It is terribly shocking that such a life of Christian service should end in such violence, and we pray for all those who are touched by this sad news.”

Stuckey added, “It is a tribute to the ecumenical and inclusive way in which he worked that he is missed and mourned by so many worldwide. We celebrate his life, grieve at his passing, and carry on God's work with Christians at Taizé and around the world.

"Brother Roger was a prophet of peace and reconciliation. He founded a community which has been an inspiration to thousands. I particularly appreciate that he has given young people a vision of how Christianity can make to world a better place."

The World Council of Churches also expressed its grief and gratitude to Brother Roger’s life of serving Christianity. The WCC acting general secretary Geneviève Jacques said, “Brother Roger died as he lived, praying at the centre of his community.”

In a message of condolence sent to the Taizé community, the WCC expressed "shock" and "sadness" at the death of the community's founder brother Roger Louis Schutz-Marsauche.

Jacques stated that “his witness to the gospel and to ecumenical dialogue has been enormously influential over the past century”.

Jacques also praised his “unceasing search for authentic ecumenical dialogue” which reached across “institutional barriers”.

The head of the worldwide Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev Rowan Williams also expressed his deep shock and sadness at the horrific death of Brother Roger.

“This is an indescribable shock. Brother Roger was one of the best loved Christian leaders of our time, and hundreds of thousands will be feeling his loss very personally, and remembering him in prayer and gratitude,” said Dr Williams.

The Archbishop continued, “But the shock and trauma for the community at Taizé will be heavy – and it will be for all the young people who witnessed this event. All of them are in our prayers.”

Backing up this statement, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion said, “The news of the death of Brother Roger has saddened Anglicans around the world, and we are especially shocked by the violent manner of his death, which was in stark contrast to his lifelong ministry of peace and reconciliation.”

He concluded, “The Taizé community which he founded, whose witness to ecumenism and
reconciliation especially among young people will be his lasting memorial, has influenced Christian worship and spirituality worldwide, and it is to that Community that I extend our prayers and heartfelt sympathy at this time.”