Church Leaders Express Anger Over Image Of Jesus Immersed In Urine


A controversial artwork depicting the image of Jesus Christ submerged in urine is being displayed in the United Kingdom, and Christian leaders are expressing anger, calling the art piece "disgraceful."

The infamous image created by American artist Andres Serrano will be on display at a politically-charged exhibition in Northern Ireland called "Torture at the Void" Gallery starting October 8.

In a report by The Belfast Telegraph, Void Gallery Director Maoliosa Boyle said her gallery is "delighted to host" Serrano's controversial art pieces for the first time.

"Andres Serrano's work is very direct and the viewer is faced with the horrors of torture. People in Derry are very interested in politics and are very familiar with the details of the Hooded Men which are part of this exhibition," Boyle said.

Leaders of the Christian faithful in the area, however, are not pleased. Pastor Mark Bradfield from the Bethnal Baptist Church in Derry, for instance, condemned Serrano's attempt to "undermine" the Christian faith by disrespecting the image of Jesus on the cross.

"Christianity at its core is a very hospitable faith but to try and undermine Christianity, make fun of it and call it entertainment or art as this artist has done is disgraceful," Bradfield told The Belfast Telegraph.

"To depict Christ in a bucket of urine just because you have the free will to do so is not acceptable and that a so-called Christian country is giving space for this to be viewed by anyone is a disgrace," he added.

Rev. Roger Higginson of Coleraine Free Presbyterian Church, for his part, described Serrano's artwork as "a cheap shot" only meant to shock to supposedly hide his "lack of talent."

"His depiction of the Lord is offensive, not just to me as a man but it offends me greatly because this is how he portrays the Lord who gave up his life for all of us and this artist has thrown that sacrifice back," the Christian leader said.