Commemorating the Life & Legacy of John Paul II - the "Pope of Popes"

Christian leaders from all rungs of the theological spectrum honoured the passing of Pope John Paul II and called him a champion of the ecumenical movement, the protector of religious and moral rights, the spokesperson for the voiceless, a warrior against communism, and a passionate advocate of the culture of life.

Characterising the pope as "one of the most courageous spiritual leaders of our time", the head of the world’s largest ecumenical body praised John Paul’s involvement in the ecumenical movement.

"In the one ecumenical movement he constantly affirmed as irreversible the deep involvement of the Roman Catholic Church in ecumenism," Kobia said in a statement. "In responding to the challenging issues for the church in the world, he opened a dialogue with other religious traditions, and addressed constantly issues of social justice and moral and ethical values."

Rev. Bob Edgar, the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, also hailed John Paul’s commitment to Christian unity.

"As an organisation dedicated to Christian unity, we hailed the Pope's 1995 ecumenical encyclical, Ut Unum Sint (That They May Be One), and his emphasis on the importance of praying together and of committing ourselves to the long road of continuing engagement that leads to greater unity," wrote Edgar in an April 2 statement.

The Rev. Geoffrey Wainwright, chairman of the dialogue between the World Methodist Council and the Roman Catholic Church since 1986, agreed that the pope’s dedication to Christian unity will become a lasting legacy.

"Pope John Paul II’s contribution to ecumenism is epitomised in his encyclical letter of 1995, ‘Ut Unum Sint’ (‘That They May Be One’)," Wainwright told United Methodist News Service. "The most exciting element in that letter was his invitation to leaders of other churches and their theologians to join with him in ‘a patient and fraternal dialogue’ concerning how the ‘ministry of universal unity’ traditionally claimed and offered by the (Holy) See of Rome could be exercised in new ways in a new situation."

Meanwhile, Methodist Bishop Peter D. Weaver, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, gave thanks to the life and ministry of John Paul II and called him a "courageous witness for Christ".

"He was a courageous witness for Christ and a compassionate brother to the poor and oppressed of this world. We give thanks for his life and ministry among us and the new life he now has in Christ," Weaver said.

Bishop Ann B. Sherer, president of the United Methodist Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, remembered the pope’s commitment to the poor.

"We, as United Methodists, join the whole world in celebrating the way the pope has sensitised us all to the needs of the poor, the needs of the marginalised, the needs of the suffering," she said. "We join our ecumenical partners around the world in bearing witness to the goodness of God in life and in death."

The Orthodox Archbishop, Metropolitan Herman, also commemorated the late Pope for his love for humanity.

John Paul "constantly reminded all humanity of our shared responsibility to defend the rights of the poor, the defenseless, and those who have no one to speak for them," Herman explained.

Conservatives meanwhile said that despite a "theological divide as wide as the ocean" with the pope, they honoured his enduring commitment to the culture of life and democracy.

"Evangelical Christians should honour the courage of this man and his historic role in bringing Communist tyranny to an end--at least within the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe," wrote R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, USA, in a commentary released Monday. "Added to this, we should honour his defence of human dignity and his eloquent and influential witness against abortion and the Culture of Death."

Mohler, however, noted that unlike protestants, John Paul "rejected justification by faith" as well as "promoted an extreme Marian devotion, referring to Mary as "Co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," and "Mother of all Graces."

Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Canterbury – the head of the Anglican Communion – wrote a brief statement expressing his sadness on learning of the death of Pope John Paul II.

"Pope John Paul was a leader of manifest holiness and a faithful and prayerful friend of the Anglican Church," Archbishop Rowan Williams wrote. "There will be time in the days ahead for the proper tributes to be paid; for now we remember his life and ministry with thankfulness and hold the church that he led in our thoughts and prayers."

The leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church, Rev. Frank T. Griswold, characterised the pope as one of the world’s greatest Christian leaders.

"Like the householder in the gospel he was able to bring out of the treasure of his own deep spirit things 'both new and old.' His voice and moral authority gave inspiration and hope to millions well beyond the Roman Catholic Church," Griswold wrote. "His commitment to the unity of the church expressed itself in his personal willingness to meet with representatives of other faith communities and to invite those outside his own tradition to reflect on how the ministry of the Bishop of Rome might be of greater service both in the cause of Christian unity and the wellbeing of the world."

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press