CPAS to equip and train Venture leaders with new programme

CPAS is planning to launch a new programme to help train, equip and develop the volunteer leaders of Venture holidays.

Each year more than 4,500 children and young people attend Venture holidays, which are part of the work of Anglican evangelical mission agency CPAS.

More than 3,000 people are involved in leading the hundred different Venture holidays which have taken place across the country for more than 50 years. Over the next five years, nearly 14,000 8-18 year olds will take part in a Venture.

David Hart, director of Ventures and Falcon Camps at CPAS, said: ‘Our fantastic team of volunteer leaders are obviously an essential part of all Venture holidays. This new programme will help them develop and make them more effective in reaching and discipling children and young people.

"Recent statistics show that fewer and fewer under-16s are attending church and the situation is getting progressively worse. Research also says that the key time to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ is before the age of 13. It is therefore vital that we give as many children and young people as possible the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel message.

"Venture holidays have been proved to have a long-lasting spiritual impact in the lives of children and young people – and this impact is largely attributable to the roles played by volunteer leaders. The holidays also provide wonderful opportunities for young people to get involved in leadership for the first time."

Fundraising for the new initiative is underway and is featured in this year’s CPAS Christmas appeal.

Produced by CPAS leadership development advisers, the new programme for Venture leaders will include sessions on building teams, developing leaders, vision-setting and nurturing people.

There are also plans for a comprehensive training pack for overall leaders to use with their teams. This new resource will enable them to develop and equip less experienced leaders, including training on understanding the Bible, being a disciple and child protection.

Ruth Hassall, CPAS leadership development adviser for youth and children, said: "The success of a Venture depends on the quality of its leadership. So many volunteers commit their gifts, time and energy year after year to running Ventures. We are also committed to investing in them, enabling them to lead more effectively.

"This programme will not only enable leaders to be developed for their responsibilities on Venture holidays, but will also equip them for their year-round ministries reaching and discipling children and young people."