Curate launches world's first range of fair trade clerical shirts

Although most churches have thrown their weight behind the fair trade movement in recent years, clergymen and women could not until now enjoy wearing a fairly traded clerical shirt.

With the launch of fair trade clergy shirts by Butler & Butler, this is set to change. For the very first time clergy can choose fair trade when it comes to their shirts.

Fair trade teas, coffees and other items became the popular choice in churches because they guarantee producers from developing countries a fair price for their goods and labour.

Butler & Butler shirts are made from 100% Fairtrade certified cotton - not the usual poly-cotton mix - which ensures that small scale cotton farmers from developing countries receive a fair and stable price for their goods and labours.

Additionally they receive a Fairtrade premium which enables them to invest in their farm businesses and communities.

The Rev Simon Butler, Director of Butler & Butler, commented, "Almost all of my colleagues seem to be committed to fair trade as an essential aspect of living the Gospel message, and so it seemed ridiculous that clergy didn't have the option to buy according to conscience when it came to our own uniform."

The first shirts, in black only, will be dispatched in November, whilst other colours will be available from January 2009.

On the web:
With a large number of the first batch sold before arriving in the country, Butler & Butler are inviting clergy to pre-order on their website