Darlene Zschech: God is BIG

|PIC1|I am writing this column literally on the eve of our 20th anniversary Hillsong Conference, which thousands and thousands from around the globe have registered for, and the expectation we are experiencing at the moment is quite phenomenal.

Hillsong Conference started 21years ago as primarily a worship and music conference, gathering like hearted musicians, singers , writers, producers, tech guys etc from around our nation to encourage each other in our passion for the arts within the context of local church.

If you read any of the great historians write about church, culture and the arts... you’ll see that the greatest muso’s etc were mostly the church guys, who lived with a conviction that music and art, and all creative expression within the House of God should be as glorious as we could possibly imagine. Just check out some of the European cathedrals, the hymns written in that day, the Sistine Chapel, the architecture, and some of the ideas played out within local church context were, and still are, standing as altogether breathtaking today.

For a few hundred years it was pretty obvious that we kind of lost our creative soul, leaving it all to others to bring the new sound and the new song.... and as the Word says... ”if you won’t bring me praise, well then the rocks will cry out in your place’..... for we were designed to bring glory... not receive it, but to bring it... Rev 4, ’you are worthy O Lord to receive glory, honour and power for You created ALL things...’.

Beautifully however, a new season has begun... and although it has taken many years... I feel like we are totally on the verge of the greatest revival of creativity and truthful worship that has ever been experienced. Humanity is aching for it, the artisans of the earth are ready for it.... but it must be done with sincerity, with great passion... in Spirit and Truth. I have found that whenever you sow of yourself, your time, your energy, your talents, your finance... basically the best of you... it is incredible how God watches and knows... AND honours, and upholds. Even if your experience of church and the giving of yourself involves disappointment or rejection.... you’ve got to learn how to let go and trust God with your future, and allow the experience to build and shape your character, rather than allow it to bury you.

Our methods, our styles, our personal musical loves will differ... but learn to use and value all that’s been entrusted by Heaven to you... to bring Glory to His name. Worship is NOT a style, but the stance of the heart..... you can play, sing, create, and more importantly... LIVE YOUR LIFE to the Glory of God. If you are younger... you worship your way, engage your heart and soul... and worship loud and hard... ALL your heart, ALL your mind, and ALL your strength. If you are a little older... just make sure everything you are bringing is not because you have to, but because you are even more passionately in love with Christ than ever... and that your life, your music and your language reflects that.

God is BIG... He is not shocked by differences... He created us just like that..... for how will we ever be able to praise the fullness of God if the facets of His creation are not being expressed in their unique but no less vitally important ways.

Love you guys and totally believe in you....
Darlene Z

Darlene Zschech
Christian Today Columnist

Darlene Zschech is a renowned singer and songwriter, also the worship pastor of Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. Her best known song "Shout to the Lord" is sung by an estimated 25-30 million churchgoers every week. In 2000, Darlene received a Dove Award nomination for 'Songwriter of the year' and has received the 'International Award' from GMA (Gospel Music Association). Darlene Zschech and her husband Mark are currently serving as executive directors of Mercy Ministries.